December Daily
Within these pages, our colleagues open up about their personal experiences throughout the year—2023 marked a journey of significant victories and challenges alike. As we turn the page into 2024, the anticipation builds, and we eagerly await to see what the new year has in store!
Monday December 4th
Greetings from japan! A fun message from the team
Hear from Meltwater Japan as they take us through Tokyo's festive streets while sharing their favorite holiday traditions.
Tuesday December 5th
a message from Sunny los angeles!
Head to a local LA cafe today to hear a sweet message from Senior AE Arianna Smaldino!
Greetings from Japan! a fun message from the team
Wednesday December 6th
Wintertime reflections
Head to Berlin’s winter wonderland to hear an insightful message from Collections Manager and Global Green Council member Theresa Schönbrunn!
A message from sunny los angeles!
Thursday December 7th
A message from San Francisco!
Today we head to San Francisco, to hear VP of Global Services Sean Conway share a message of reflection and gratitude!
Wintertime Reflections
A message from Sunny Los angeles!
Greetings from Japan! A fun message from the team
December 4th-8th
Warm Words
We’re heading back to Berlin today to hear from Global Head of SEO Saskia Sarişin who is joined by the rest of the team to share some international holiday wishes!
A message from san Francisco!
Next Edition
Monday December 11th
A festive message with a furry co-star!
Today we’re heading to Lake Tahoe to hear a special holiday message from CPO Kristie Rodenbush!
Previous Edition
Tuesday December 12th
A message from the Northeast
We’re heading to New York to hear from Information Security Analyst Sequoia Sutherland as she shares her gratitude for Meltwater culture and reflections on 2023!
A festive message with a furry co-star
Wednesday December 13th
High spirits in South Africa!
Today we’re hearing from Cape Town’s CS Lead Maryann LePine-Williams and Johannesburg's GE Director Tumi Matlou, as they share why Q4 is such a special time in South Africa!
A message from the northeast
Thursday December 14th
ShangHai Stories!
Join CA MD Christina Yu for a Shanghai Office tour and a special holiday message from team members!
High Spirits in South africa!
December 11th-15th
Conversations on Culture
Today we’re heading to London to hear from AD Dorothea von Gottberg and other team members share a message of culture, changes, and camaraderie!
Shanghai Stories!
High spirits in south africa
a message from the northeast
a festive message with a furry co-star!
Monday December 18th
Seasonal Sentiments
Today we’re heading to Austin, Texas to hear Executive Director for Customer Success Jeff Rusignuolo emphasize the importance of reflection, goal-setting, and recharging over the holidays to ensure a successful start to the new year!
Tuesday December 19th
A message from the C t o!
Today we’re heading to the festive SF holiday party to hear CTO Aditya Jami highlight Meltwater’s achievements in 2023 and what we can look forward to in 2024.
Wednesday December 20th
'Tis the season in sydney!
Today we’re heading to Sydney, Australia to hear Global Head of Talent Carol Ann Vance share a message of gratitude for all that 2023 brought!
A message from the C T O!
Thursday December 21st
A message from the c E O!
Today, our CEO John Box reflects on the past year, expressing gratitude to the team for their commitment, innovation, and hard work, and speaks to the exciting future ahead for Meltwater.
'Tis the Season in sydney!
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Friday December 22nd
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